April 2024

Shows coming up

I’ll be in Paris on the 30th for a thing, im not entirely sure what it is but I’ll be there if anyone else I know is there.

Then beginning; 18th of May, me and Dana Margolin (from Porridge Radio) are going on a duo tour. My friend Oscar (musician name Hoy Chorale) will be helping us drive and helping us to sell our merchandise and probably singing with me too but I don’t know if I’m paying him enough for all of that.

Here are the dates for that tour (I have a good feeling about it)

18th May- Edinburgh, The Caves

19th May- Middlesbrough, Town Hall

21st May- York, The Crescent

22nd May- Sheffield, Sidney and Matilda

24th May- Cardiff, The Gate

25th May- Exeter, Phoenix

I haven’t played most of these venues so should be interesting. I watched ‘weird little old boy’ or it was called something along those lines, I can’t remember right now and I don’t have the internet to check. It’s about Phil Elverum and Little Wings going on tour sometime in the early 00’s and got me excited to play gigs carelessly, it’s terrifying otherwise. What an embarrassing thing to do.

Reading Roberto Bolaños ‘Antwerp’ and here’s what it says on the cover

Here’s what I can see out the window


There is the edge of France, right there, how lovely.

No more ‘confirmed’ (confined) gigs after that May tour but things will come up, mostly in Autumn it seems. Other than ONE in LA (wow) in August on the 22nd.

Question segment:

Does anyone else temporarily forget who they are / forget they’re human when they wake up (occasionally)?

Does anyone have a good sauna recommendation for Marseille or the surrounding area? Or for Paris?

Have a good April

Naima x