- Naima Bock
- Posts
- October 2023
October 2023
October 2023
Hello, I’ve decided to start writing entries here- sometimes as a reminder of shows and music updates as well as other less specific subjects. Maybe bands I’ve seen or feelings around touring, books to read, films to watch, mental health ups and downs etc. The reason for this being that, like countless others, posting anything on instagram, twitter (has it now got a different name?), Facebook (horrible to look at) has a heaviness to it. Other than the obvious fact that these platforms are the capitalists ingenious way of hooking our sensitive little brains onto an almost irresistible dopamine train unto which we voluntarily climb onboard to have not only our minds twisted but quite possibly our very souls disintegrated until there’s nothing but an ember of the person that had previously occupied that space with their thoughts and dreams and ideas, drained, as their attention is constantly diverted from the world to their phones. Despite this, it seems that a lot of people do post freely and honestly on these platforms, for me, I get the sensation of a prying and judgemental eye that stops me from wanting to divulge anything beyond the basic ‘come to this show’ (even that I find too demanding often). I know that there aren’t horrible people out to laugh at everything I post, I mean more that its this vast mix of different minds and opinions from all corners of my short life. My family is there, friends from school are there, present friends are there, friends of family, and then a bunch of strangers to whose messages I try and reply to as much as I can. So, I thought although there may only be three people reading these little updates it could be nice to have something slightly more substantial and by that I mean personal, to read. A more refined audience, perhaps people who enjoy reading someones meanderings. I know that the only good thing the internet has given me (mentally), other than watching cool films, is being able to read some of my favourite musicians and artists writings online in a longer format than a caption.
Right now its October the 6th and I’m lying in my bed, overheating slightly.
Here are the shows that I’ll be playing this year- I may be returning to university in January so catch us while you can.
23/10- Totnes, England, The Albatross (duo)
24/10- Falmouth, England, The Cornish Bank (duo)
2/11- Brighton, England, Mutations Festival (solo festival)
3/11- Hebden Bridge, England, Trades Club (full band)
4/11- Glasgow, Scotland, Great Western Fest (full band)
5/11- Manchester, England, Deaf Institute (full band)
9/11- Bristol, England, Dareshack (full band)
10/11- London, England, Earth Hackney (full band)
23/11- Vienna, Austria, Bluebird Festival (solo festival)
I’m looking forward to playing with the full band again after a lot of solo shows, I just returned from a Europe tour supporting Squid. I do enjoy these as I can go inwards and get quiet; something that I find hard to do in most situations when I don’t have a guitar in my hand. However, I love the people I get to play with so much and I love the sound they make and what they bring of themselves to the songs; this changes the feeling of them so dramatically. There is nothing better than ‘making music with your friends’, many things at a par with it (like salty butter on a fresh baguette) but better… I can’t think of one.
Here are some photos of the Sanford Co-operative party (where I live) that happened on Saturday. Just photos for photos sake.

Ill also be selling merchandise at these shows, this will be the last round of these t-shirts and vinyls as I embark on a new album ‘campaign’ so buy them and free my grandmothers living room as she is a small and tidy woman and doesn’t like having that many cardboard boxes in the corner of the room in which she eats ginger nuts and watches tv.
Naima x